Monday, April 8, 2013

How Search Engine Optimization Works

Curiosity may have killed the cat in years past, but in today's world it just sends the cat on an Internet search. With the availability of smart-phones and other Internet-ready handheld devices, people can research anything from historical trivia to where to go for lunch in seconds. Search engines boast thousands of results to nearly every query, posting the response time in a fraction of a second. However, the vast majority of people never leave the first page of those results, making the last 99,970 out of 100,000 result links basically irrelevant. Is there a way for a company to buy a ticket to the first page of those search results?

To make software and processes like search engines work, computers need programming. There are specific tools used which form a language unique to search engines. Using the tools to their advantage, companies can find their way to the top of the search results for a given search. The best search engine optimization companies (SEO companies) do just that--they work with businesses to maximize their web presence using search engines.

Marketing online is an excellent and popular way to do business but it is often difficult to predict how many people will see the website. While it is possible to purchase a certain number of names on a mailing list for print ads and direct marketing, or to advertise on a billboard seen by a certain number of drivers every day, it can be difficult to predict how many people might visit a website or see an Internet ad. Marketing begins with an Internet search because that's where just about all online activity begins and getting traffic to the site is key. The more people who see a website the more people may become customers--using search engine optimization is an effective way to increase sales. Visit for more information about search engine optimization.

Users type keywords into a search bar to tell the search engine what they are looking for. While it is tempting to fill the site with keywords the search engine can see when the words in the text on the site have been used out of context. Not only does the programming look for the keywords and the number of times those words appear, it looks for specific tags in the programming that mark the page as relevant for a specific type of search, basically sorting the Internet like an enormous card catalog. More sites are added to the Internet every day, and being able to determine what is helpful and what is not is critical to making the Internet usable--determining how many people have used the site helps determine it's popularity, which also factors into web search results. It is advisable to use a reputable SEO company given the amount of both skill and artistry involved in the process.

Studying the programming of the search engines, search engine optimization companies use the most common keywords and tags for a particular business to help them be successful. Launching to the top of Internet search results doesn't happen by accident and creating the illusion of popularity can be done with automated posts that link back to the original site. Any business looking to increase their online presence should contact an SEO company as soon as possible to discuss their options. While the search engine delivers thousands of results to users in seconds, it can also deliver thousands of hits to a company as well.

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